[Blueprint]BPMNDustinNoveltyPlatform 2023-04-06 Onify Blueprint - Send EDI order to Dustin Dustin is the leading Nordic retailer of IT products. Many Nordic companies buy products from Dustin... Onify Love0
BlogPlatform 2023-03-20 Onify - both portal and hub We are passionate about getting people and organizations to work smarter - to be able to use... Onify Love0
Customer casesWhat's new 2023-03-07 Onify will be Norteam's new customer portal Onify's platform creates a unified and easy-to-use customer portal that allows Norteam's customers to... Onify Love0
Customer casesWhat's new 2023-02-27 Onify is the starting point for new cases at Linköpings Kommun Since last fall, administrators at Linköpings kommun have been working daily with Onify as an interface for all... Onify Love0
[Blueprint]CloudBlueNoveltyPlatform 2023-02-22 Onify Blueprint - Change subscription in CloudBlue Commerce CloudBlue is a SaaS company that supports companies in their transformation process, regardless of their position in the supply chain.... Onify Love0
NewsPartners 2023-02-20 Meet Jens at Zitac - Onify's main implementation partner. Jens Lantz, business developer and salesperson at our partner Zitac, works every day with our various Onify... Onify Love0
[Blueprint]CloudBlueNoveltyPlatform 2023-02-16 Onify Blueprint - Index subscriptions from CloudBlue Commerce CloudBlue (Ingram Micro) is a SaaS company that supports companies in their transformation process, regardless of their location,... Onify Love0
[Blueprint]CloudBlueNoveltyPlatform 2023-02-15 Onify Blueprint - Authenticate against CloudBlue Commerce API CloudBlue Commerce offers a managed marketplace that simplifies the deployment of subscription-based solutions in the increasingly... Onify Love0
[Blueprint]MicrosoftNoveltyPlatform 2023-02-10 Onify Blueprint - Get secret from Azure Key vault Microsoft Azure is a comprehensive cloud platform that offers a range of services in data storage, computing and... Onify Love0
NewsPlatform 2023-02-09 Onify towards a new interface Onify should be as easy to use as Google - with intuitive searching and fast... Onify Love0