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This blueprint introduces the service Mina Ombud which is developed and managed by Bolagsverket. The service is a national service for managing digital powers of attorney. Via My Agents, you can easily create powers of attorney and get an overview of which powers of attorney you have received and distributed. With a digital power of attorney, you can represent companies in a digital service with the authorizations that you have received via the power of attorney. At present, limited liability companies, sole traders, partnerships, limited partnerships, economic associations and tenant-owner associations can create digital powers of attorney via the service, but in the future it will also be possible to represent private individuals.

Blueprinten demonstrates how to technically integrate with Mina Ombud and shows how to retrieve a list of all historical and valid powers of attorney for an individual with a specific third party, such as a municipality.


Get powers of attorney from my representatives.

For further information and details, please visit our GitHub repo.


Author Onify

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