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Digitalization is accelerating and ERP systems need to adapt to keep up. Postmodern ERP is (according to Gartner) a technology strategy that automates and connects administrative and operational business functions, giving companies the flexibility and agility needed to stay competitive. Ironically, it can sometimes be said that "Postmodern ERP - There is no ERP", as it involves breaking down monolithic systems into smaller, more flexible pieces. Let's dive into how this approach can turn your company's ERP system into a well-oiled machine.

Postmodern ERP: A modern business strategy

Postmodern ERP combines finance, HR, procurement, manufacturing and other business areas in an integrated solution that balances supplier-based integration with the company's need for flexibility and agility. It's about finding the perfect mix of automation, collaboration and adaptability, while breaking down traditional monolithic systems.

The benefits of Postmodern ERP: A worthwhile balancing act

  • Customizable integration: Create smooth and efficient workflows between different business functions, without being locked into rigid systems.
  • Increased flexibility: Allow your company to react quickly to market shifts and changes in customer needs.
  • Better agility: Speed up the decision-making process and improve reaction time to new opportunities and challenges.

Challenges of Postmodern ERP: No rain, no rainbow

  • Complex integration: Balancing different systems and applications can require significant resources and knowledge.
  • Security risks: Multiple vendors and systems increase security challenges to protect company data and customer information.
  • Skills requirements: Implementing and maintaining a postmodern ERP solution requires a new set of skills and knowledge from IT staff.

Postmodern ERP is a technology strategy that allows companies to adapt to the demands of the digital world by balancing integration, flexibility and agility. By embracing this approach, companies can maximize the potential of their business functions and ensure they are equipped to face the challenges of the future with confidence.

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Author Onify

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