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We've all been there. You sit in front of your computer, staring at an outdated IT system and wondering why you have to click through fifteen different windows just to perform a simple task. Or maybe you're one of those poor souls who have to switch between 15-20 different systems daily. Sound familiar? Then you are not alone. Many administrators recognize themselves in this description. Old and sluggish systems, lack of training, and programs that feel like a maze. But what if we told you there was a solution?

Let us introduce you to Onify - your new administrator portal and lifesaver.

Problems faced by administrators:

  • Stress caused by poor IT systems.
  • Double or triple documentation because the systems do not communicate with each other.
  • Difficulties with systems that are rarely used.
  • Lack of training and introduction to new systems.

How Onify can help:

  • Work smarter: Onify allows administrators to work in one system instead of many. Imagine having everything you need in one place. No more switching between different windows or programs.
  • Automate processes: Onify increases the level of automation, reducing manual tasks and mistakes.
  • A better user experience: A unified interface makes it easier to navigate, resulting in a better experience for users.
  • Faster solutions: Efficient tools not only increase productivity, but also customer satisfaction.
  • The right information at the right time: Give your agents the information they need when they need it.
  • Easier induction: New agents can get started faster without complicated training.

But it's not just words. Onify has already helped both authorities and municipalities to make life easier for administrators. One shining example is Linköpings kommun. With Onify , municipal administrators handle around 800 cases per day from different channels such as telephone, web, email, social media and physical visits. Thanks to Onify , the time to register new cases has been halved, and administrators can quickly and efficiently find information from different sources, leading to less error handling and an overall improved work process.

So, if you're tired of struggling with old systems and want to work smarter with an agent system that really works, it's time to consider Onify. Let your agents focus on what they do best, and let Onify take care of the rest. Book a demo today!

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Author Onify

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